Blue Hair, Yes I Care.

Just over a month ago I took the plunge and dyed my entire head blue (with a little bit of purple thrown in for good measure).

It was only after I left the hairdresser that it occurred to me that people would be curious. That they would stare and ask me questions.

Silly that I didn’t think about that before I did it right?

So, my socially anxious self prepared for the stares and questions.


The only people who make any kind of fuss are children.

They stare, they point, they ask why my hair is blue and if they can touch it. They get such a huge kick out of it.

Adults on the other hand spend way too much energy pretending not to look. You can practically see them holding themselves back from asking me questions.

So yeah, its been interesting.

I’m not sure I’m going to keep it blue once it really starts growing out. So far you can’t really see the regrowth. And the purple mainly washed out so I have a really funky whitish strip that I like.

I guess I will keep it as is for a few more months and then decide what to do.