Flags of Hope

This article was originally posted on Lay of the Land.

This past week Israel celebrated Yom Ha’atzmaut, our 72 Independence Day!

Usually this day is celebrated with fireworks, concerts, ceremonies, and parties. People gather on the beaches, in the forests and in the parks.

Not so this year.  Covid-19 put the kibosh on all of that. Israelis were relegated to celebrating indoors, in their own homes, under strict lockdown conditions.

What still did happen though; and what happens every year; is that the municipality starts putting up Israeli flags along the streets, on street poles and lamps. They hang blue and white bunting across intersections. This takes place across cities and towns country wide and is very festive!

(Photo credit: Paul Jacobson.)

Families also decorate their balconies, gardens, and cars with flags. The whole country is proudly blue and white!

A week or so before Yom Ha’atzmaut, I came across a post on Facebook written by someone who was upset that the municipality was, in his opinion, ‘wasting’ money that could have been used towards medical care, equipment and such, because they were putting up these flags.

That comment bugged me. Even now, a week after Yom Ha’atzmaut has come and gone, it’s still bugging me.

I totally understand that our medical needs are huge, that our medical front liners need PPE equipment and that we need more ventilators and that saving lives is the most important thing we can do.

But…I also feel that celebrating our independence, our homeland and our freedom is just as important. Perhaps this is even more so in these troubled and uncertain times.

Seeing those flags made me smile. Seeing those flags made my heart feel lighter. It made me feel connected to people, my fellow citizens, when I had spent almost an entire month in my home with no personal contact with anyone outside of my immediate family.

Those flags gave me hope.

It was an affirmation. We are Israel!  We are Israelis –  and we can overcome anything that is thrown our way.

So, random Facebook man, I vehemently disagree!

Those flags are not a waste of money. Not at all. They are – JoyLove and Hope. And they are a promise.

We WILL make it through this.

We WILL survive.

It’s what we do.

How I hacked my kids snack for the better

My children love yogurt as a snack. They particularly like a Danone yogurt that has mini Smarties type chocolates added to it.

But… we can only find this particular yogurt at one particular store and even then stock is limited and we may not get.

So today I hacked the snack. Not only did it work out cheaper, it also worked out much healthier and my kids love it.

The original yogurt

The original contains 155g of sweetened yogurt and 25g of generic Smarties. It costs ₪4.30 on average.

Plain yogurt
Brand Smarties
Generic Smarties

The hack consists of a tub of plain yogurt. This is unsweetened, probiotic yogurt and is 200g a tub. Each tub costs ₪3.50.

Then we add a small packet of mini Brand Smarties or generic Smarties. The original Smarties come in a pack of 13 bags, each bag is 14.4g and each bag costs ₪ 1. The generic Smarties come in a pack of 10 bags and each bag is 17g and costs ₪ 1.29.

So I worked out what the cost would be per 100g for a yogurt with Smarties.

SnackCostSizeTotal sizecost per 100g
Original Yogurt₪4.30155g yogurt
and 25g
Bio Yogurt +
₪4.79200g yogurt
and 17g
Bio Yogurt +
₪4.50200g yogurt
and 14.4g

Funnily enough, the Brand Smarties worked out cheaper per 100g than the generics. Who knew.

And even better than all the cost saving, is the health saving.

The hack is far healthier than the original, with an additional 45g of yogurt, that’s probiotic and not sweetened, as well as almost half the amount of Smarties.

And my kids are happy to eat it.

I’ve got to admit, I’m pretty proud of myself for not only realising I could hack their favourite snack but for getting it cheaper and healthier too.

5 Minute Makeover

Being funemployed has left me with some time on my hands. So I figured I would put it to good use.

A few weeks ago, I spotted these self adhesive tiles at the local MaxStock (similar to Crazy Store in SA). At ₪ 10 (R40) a sheet I couldn’t pass them up.

The little corner wall where my stove is, was getting really dirty from food splashes as I cook and I have wanted to create a back splash for ages.

So I cleaned the wall, let it dry and snapped this before pic.

It literally took me 5 minutes to open the packs of tiles, peel the backing off and then place them on the wall. I placed 2 across and 2 up and then cut 1 tile in half to add on to the tiles going across.

They were not as sticky as I would have liked and will probably peel off at some stage (I actually used a glue stick to make one side of a tile stick down) but for now I am pretty impressed with it.

And the best part is if I get bored or they do fall off, I can just pop out and get different tiles and replace them. Easy peasy!

Zombies! Argghhhh!

Running. Not something I have traditionally been very good at. I recall many tears over athletics in school. Mine and the coaches.

But a little while ago, Wendi mentioned a running app that sounded right up my alley. Zombies, Run! Its a fantastic running app that puts you smack bang in the middle of the Zombie apocalypse. You need to get to one of the last remaining outposts of survivors, and complete missions on the way. As you run, and complete missions, you follow a story by award winning author Naomi Alderman.

I went to download the app and noticed a 5km training version which fits in with one of my 6 before 40 goals of running another 5km. I downloaded the app and went for my first run. Then took 5 days to go for my next one. I was easing my way in, don’t judge!

So, since the 5km training app is a spin off, the first run is an introduction to the original story. Its also a free run, meaning no training, just a run/walk/crawl as you listen to the start of the story.

Today, I did the first actual training run. It took me about 35 minutes and I landed up doing 3km. I was so impressed with myself. It definitely did not feel like a 3km run. Listening to the story while doing the run/walk sprints made it fly by.

A few things that stand out about the app:

  • You can listen to your own music while using the app. Just start your music before opening the Zombies, Run! app. I used Spotify.
  • The app and the story are British, so there are some phrases and words that may be a bit confusing but as an ex Saffa, I followed along just fine.
  • Once you start the app, lock your screen. I didnt and as I was running it paused the app and I was waiting and waiting for my next instruction that never came. Probably added on at least another 5 minutes of running when I should have been doing intervals.
  • The story is NOT scary. Yes, there are zombies, but besides a bit of groaning and moaning and being told to run cause they are near you, its really not scary at all.

I have a rest day today and then on to my second training session the next day. I cant wait!

Necessity is the mother of invention. Or is it just dumb luck?

I keep seeing adverts on Facebook for Buckle-less belts.

Now, I hate belts, mainly because I hate anything pressing on my stomach and I also hate the bulge a buckle makes under my t-shirts, so when I saw this I thought ‘Amazing, sounds perfect, lets take a look.’ Then I saw the price. Roughly $25, not including shipping, is a bit much for a belt. At least it is for me.


So I gave up on my dream of keeping my pants up without hassle and then… Then I walked into a local home ware store and found elasticated sheet clip holder thingies.

And I admit, the whole belt thing wasn’t even on my mind, I just really wanted the clips to hold my fitted sheet on, since my fitted sheets are bigger than my mattress.

But then I got home and took one of the clips out of the packet and inspiration struck. 

I could use the clip as a buckle-less belt. And I did. And it worked. And its the best thing ever! And it only cost $4!!

Check it!

Its not quite the same, but it works, my pants no longer fall down and I dont have a buckle showing under my t-shirt.

I’m super proud of myself. Even if one corner of my fitted sheet keeps coming untucked.

Only happy things here!

The world is a sucky place at the moment. And social media brings out all the negative naysayers and the horrible pictures and horrific stories of misdeeds.

There have been moments when I just want to shut down my social media accounts and ignore all the bullshit. But then I realised I enjoy interacting with people on social media. Its a way for me to keep in touch with family and friends and share the things that make me happy.

So instead of getting rid of the baby with the bath water I’m adding bubbles. Lots and lots of happy, shiny bubbles. OK, mostly accounts involving adorably cute animals. Cute animal bubbles!

Here are the accounts that I am following on social media that bring a smile to my day.

Coral-Leigh’s gorgeous little Beastie


 I hope you clicked through and added these awesome and fun accounts to your feeds. Let me know if you follow any fantastic feeds I should add to my list.

Let’s talk about bus etiquette.

Public transport is just that, public. This means that I get to travel with the (literal) unwashed masses. It also means you should have a little bit of respect for the strangers in or near your personal space.

Personal Hygiene

Yesterday, my afternoon bus was almost completely full when I got on. I was one of the last people to get a seat. The driver can allow up to 10 people on the bus standing. So the next few stops we picked up a bunch of people.

Naturally when standing on a bus, you reach out to hold something to steady yourself. Now I’ve had to stand on a long journey home before. I grab the conveniently located handles on the sides of the seat. Not Smelly Armpit Man, oh no, he had to stand reaching up, holding onto the baggage rack above me.

I get it, its summer, we sweat. But please for love of all human beings, spray or roll on some deodorant when you leave work. I do. Its the last thing I do before leaving my air conditioned office where I don’t even really sweat. I roll on my deo so no one has to catch even the faintest whiff of me. Its just polite.


(Wo)man spreading. The seats are not big, not small either, but we are not riding a 1st class ticket with extra leg room and champagne to work.

So when you sit down, try not to rub thighs with the person sitting next to you. Don’t try to mash your handbag into the tiny gap between you and me. Put it on your lap. If you are sitting in the window seat, try not lean across the person in the isle seat to greet your long lost friend who is walking past. 

Oh, and if you are in the isle seat and the person in the window seat needs to get off the bus before you, stand the F up and move into the isle. Don’t just swivel your legs to the side and force me to practically sit on your lap to get past. I’m so tempted to fart on the next person that does that.


There are these amazing newfangled inventions. They are called headphones. You can get them in comfortable, over ear models or even in discreet, in ear models. You even get ones that have a built in microphone in them. The common feature though is that no one needs to listen to your crappy music, horrible canned laugh track sitcom, your grandchild screeching at the top of their lungs or your Very Important work call.

Or your loud, repetitive games. Those especially annoy me. No one wants to hear your rat a tat tat 1st person shooter game or your ching ching ching Candy Crush. If you don’t have headphones then put your phone on silent. You do not need sound to play a game.

Smells (unrelated to personal hygiene)

Hard boiled eggs, tuna, garlic. These are all yummy and delicious foods. But not on a closed bus. Certainly not at 06:45 before people have had their coffee and even worse, at 17:30 after being in your bag for the entire hot, sweaty, summer day.

Just don’t. You can eat before you leave home, or while you wait for the bus to arrive or wait until you get off the bus. But please, I beg you, do not eat your stinky food on a bus where all the windows are closed. Especially if you are practically sitting on my lap or standing over me.

Before getting on the bus

While waiting for your bus, allow older people, pregnant women or women with small babies to sit on the bench under cover. Especially when its raining.

If you really need to have a cigarette, could you maybe walk a few metres left or right of the stop and light up there? You know, away from the elderly people, pregnant women, and the children. If you are really nice, you could even see which way the wind is blowing and smoke down wind. That would be really pleasant.

Oh, yes, last thing. Get your money or your bus pass ready. Seriously, we all need to get to work or home. No one wants to stand around waiting to get on the bus because you insisted on getting on first and now cant pay. Either stand at the back of the line or be ready.

So, yeah, some of my pet peeves that really should just be common courtesy. And now, I’m going to shut down my computer, roll on my deo and I’m going to catch my bus. Wish me luck!

Kitchen Gadgets

Its no secret that I love cooking and baking.

I also love kitchen gadgets. From small gadgets like the all in one apple slicer & corer to the larger gadgets like mixers and blenders.

Here are a few of my favourite gadgets in no particular order:

  • Apple slicer and corer. I use this almost daily to slice apples for the kids.
  • Nespresso machine. Also gets used daily.
  • My new slow cooker. I’ve only made a few things in it and I’ve yet to leave it on during the day while I’m at work, but I really love it so far. Its made cooking for a Friday night so much less stressful.
  • My chopper/dicer. I bought this little gadget for ₪20 and its a life saver when I want to dice up veggies really quickly into small bits. It also ensures I don’t dice my fingers along with the veggies.
  • The Jamie Oliver Flavour Shaker. This little hand held mortar and pestle is so much fun to use. I often find that some of the dried herbs I have are too big, and if the pieces are too big then the children complain that there are sticks in their food. This gadget grinds all the herbs in a few seconds.
  • Waffle machine. We have a small waffle machine that gets used at least once a month if not more. It makes 2 square waffles at a time so its a bit slow but Saturday night dinners are never more fun than waffle dinners.
  • Braun hand blender. We were given this nifty little gadget when we got married (almost 11 years ago) and its never let me down. I use it to mince onions and carrots and other veggies, I use the whisk attachment when I make (waffle) batters, I use the immersion blender when I make soup. Best gadget ever! 

This weekend a friend gave us a halogen air cooker which I cant wait to try out. Apparently you can do everything from a full roast meal to baking a cake in it. I’m pretty sure this is  also going to become one of my favourite gadgets.

The one thing missing from my kitchen is a stand mixer.

Seriously, you wont believe this but as I finished typing that last sentence my boss walked into our office and said “Who needs a stand mixer?” 

She had found a Kenwood Chef Classic being sold for half price on a ‘daily deal’ type site. So I have now bought myself a stand mixer!

I cannot wait for it to arrive!! 

What gadgets can you not live without? And what gadgets have you bought but never use?

I went to IKEA and it was awesome!

*I was not asked to nor paid to write this post. IKEA is just so awesome I had to document ALL. THE. THINGS!

The #BestBossEver was going to the IKEA food store after work and offered to take us with her. Shani and I decided to make an evening of it and do the whole store.

I made myself a list and was promptly laughed at by everyone because apparently you NEVER stick to your list.

Which  is true. I did not stick to my list. Although I only bought 3 extra things so that’s not so bad.

My list consisted of the following:

An oven glove

A4 boxes

Smaller boxes

A whisk

2 sets of tongs

An egg lift

A pasta spoon

A garlic press

IKEA zip bags

Light fittings for Faith and Aaron

And from the food shop:



Ikea Meatball Sauce

The additional things I picked up were:

A knife sharpener

A flamingo

A frog-pig-monkey 

Start Here

Shani and I started upstairs going through all the various rooms and apartments. It also happens to be the big winter sale, so lots of things were marked down. 


We took about an hour going through the whole upstairs and then parked our trolley (and Shani for a minute) while we went to the dining area so I could experience the quintessential IKEA meal. Swedish meatballs.

Parking bays


Oh man! Since it was relatively early for dinner, we landed up sharing a plate of meatballs, chips and green beans. We stopped just short of licking the plate clean. For ₪25 for a huge plate of food its almost worth just going there for dinner, never mind all the awesome things to buy.

All done

Once dinner was over we headed downstairs to begin the real shopping.

It took us about an hour to go through the store, find the things on our lists, find things that were on the sale, put things we really didn’t need back on the shelf and check out.

All the things!

We then popped into the food store and grabbed all the yummies.

I really enjoyed IKEA. The whole experience was amazing. I loved the room set ups, so many cool ideas to utilise a small space. And all the nifty gadgets. I could probably spend a fortune in there if I could.

I will definitely be going back since I saw a whole lot of things I would like to get.

Yogurt = cheese. No, really!

What happens when you ask your husband to by you plain yogurt to go with your muesli and instead of coming back with the 500ml bottle you were expecting he presents you with a 3L bottle instead?

You ask FB for recipes to use up the yogurt, that’s what.

You also get some great options.

  • Fruit yogurt smoothies
  • Frozen berry yogurt drops
  • Yogurt chocolate chip muffins
  • Tsatsiki
  • Yogurt pancakes (which I made last night and were delish)
  • And a half dozen suggestions to make Labneh cheese

After doing a bit of research and buying a brand new pair of knee high stockings I set about making cheese. It was really really easy and I will definitely be making more of it!

Look closely, you can see the liquid draining out the stocking


Cream cheese!


Labneh balls rolled in sweet chili mix, rosemary & garlic mix and a few plain ones for the kids.


Labneh Cheese
A simple and delicious Lebanese style cream cheese
Write a review
  1. 1 cup full cream (or high fat percentage) plain yogurt
  2. pinch of course salt
  3. cheesecloth (or a pair of new knee high stockings - I used 20 denier)
  4. a colander or large sieve
  5. a bowl big enough to fit the colander/seive
  1. Place your colander into your bowl and then your cheesecloth over your colander.
  2. If you are using stockings, double them up and get someone to hold them open for you.
  3. Mix your salt and yogurt together.
  4. Spoon or pour your yogurt into the cheesecloth/stockings.
  5. Tie the top of the cloth/stockings closed at the top, squeezing the yogurt towards the bottom as you go.
  6. Now you can either leave the cloth/stockings in the colander as is or you can hang them above the colander and let gravity help (I hung mine from the kitchen tap).
  7. Leave your yogurt to drain for at least 24hrs, the longer you leave it the firmer the cheese will be.
  8. You can leave it out on the counter (in winter) or in the fridge if its too warm.
  9. When you are ready to unveil your cheese, give it one last squeeze to remove any residual liquid and then, over a plate, unwrap the newly formed cheese.
There are a few options once your cheese is ready
  1. You can place it in an airtight container in the fridge and use it as a plain cream cheese spread.
  2. You can roll the cheese into small balls and then roll the balls into various herb and spice mixes before placing in an airtight container in the fridge.
  3. You can roll the cheese into small balls and then place them in a glass jar with a well sealing lid. Top the balls of cheese with a high quality olive oil to preserve them. You can also add various herbs and spices to the oil to infuse the cheese with flavour.
Other options
  1. You can also add your herbs and spices to the yogurt before draining if you like which will give you a flavoured cream cheese when you are done.
Adapted from various recipes on the web
Adapted from various recipes on the web
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