When standing up works…

A few days ago I posted this.

After I posted that I went onto hellopeter.com and made a complaint.  I kid you not, I had not even lifted my finger off the enter key after posting that and my phone rang!  It was one Gabriel Moonsamy who had read my hellopeter.com complaint, he listened to what I had to say, apologised for the treatment I had received and assured me that he would look into the matter and come back to me.

Yesterday I received an email with a letter attached from one of the managing partners at Lancet.

He expressed his concern at the fact the lady who called me didn’t follow their patient identification procedures and that I was given false information and the wrong account.  He assured me that she had been counseled and that the staff were to be retrained in patient identification procedures and patient confidentiality.

He then went on to give me the correct amount of money that I owed Lancet due to non-payment from my medical aid (self payment gap) and said, and I quote, “as a gesture of good will and apology I will instruct our accounts department to reduce this by 50%…”

Im stoked!  Not only at the reduced amount that I now owe them but at the fact that I stood up for myself and that they listened.  They could have fobbed me off, they could have sent a meaningless letter of apology and left it at that.  They didnt.

I just hope that they really follow through with their assurance that they will retrain their staff.  I hope that by standing up and opening my mouth I have truly made a difference and others wont be put in the same situation that I was.