One down…

1st night Pesach is over.  The food was a hit.  I am exhausted.  Aletta and I worked our arses off today and it definitely paid off.

Here are a few pics from tonight.  I unfortunately forgot to take pics of the dessert and funnily enough there wasnt much left to photagraph 😉

Gefilte Fish 'Loaf' with cooked carrot garnish
Gefilte Fish 'Loaf' with cooked carrot garnish
Butternut and Pumpkin Kugel
Butternut and Pumpkin Kugel
My Seder Table
My Seder Table

Im so glad its all over, I had fun organising and cooking but now I can relax…

Its all a matza pudding

Today I start cooking for Pesach.

The chicken soup is simmering on the stove as I type.  Its the first time I have made ‘real’ chicken soup and I am hoping it is up to my moms standard.  Once the soup is done I will let it cool and freeze it only to be defrosted on Wednesday morning.

Tomorrow I will be making this pot roast.  Sounds sooooo yummy I cant wait for Wednesday night.

In addition to the soup and roast, in great Jewish tradition, we are having a very full menu.

My Seder Menu

Eggs in saltwater

Chicken soup and kneidlach (matza balls)

Gefilte fish

Pot Roast

Butternut and pumpkin kugel

Roast potatoes

Green Salad

Apple fluff

Fresh Fruit


Yum yum!