11 things I want to do in 2011

I found this on IntermittentBlogger and thought I would steal it 😉

1. Get fit – I am by no means overweight but my hips, butt and thighs need some desperate work!

2. Fix up the house – I dont mean the big things like fix leaks and stuff, I mean, buying more picture frames, putting artwork up, getting pretty linens for the bedroom, that kind of thing.

3. Go back to my mosaic-ing, I have unfinished pieces and so much more that I want to do.

4. Spend more time with Aaron doing stuff he loves.

5. Take Aaron to music lessons, he LOVES music and I think he will definitely play an instrument (NOT the drums, PLEASE!)

6. Do another family shoot with Jenty at the end of the year, actually I would like to do one every year or maybe every 2nd year.

7. Cook more interesting things for my family – we really dont branch out enough in home cooking.

8.  Blog more.

9. Have more date nights with Hubband.

10. Swim – we do not use our pool nearly enough, and swimming is exercise, see point 1!

11. Procrastinate less!!!!